Exploring the Future
From young women making their first career choices to established women considering a career change; whether you’re interested in a technology-focussed roles or one that needs the personal touch, there are so many opportunities in the near(ish) future that women have the chance to make a genuine positive impact in.
The secret weapon to achieving your goals
Whenever you have goals to achieve, it's easy to get sidetracked. But did you know there's a secret weapon for achieving your goals? Come find out how you can use this secret weapon for yourself.
Are your efforts going unrecognised?
Aiming to do all things well is a cornerstone of most professional's work ethic, but it's holding us back from delivering genuine value and being recognised, and rewarded, for our efforts.
Optimism vs Positivity.
Optimism is not a naive belief that things will work out for the best, but a confidence you can make it happen. Let’s explore how you can be both optimistic and realistic.