Changing our minds
Why don’t we celebrate when people change their minds? Why do we tend to negatively judge people for doing it? Whether we agree with the position or not, the ability to change perspective or attitude toward something is a trait we should celebrate!
Mundanity is bad for you
I am pretty adverse to the "status quo" - there’s a danger in the security and comfort it offers. For anyone who wants to achieve a fulfiling career, stagnation is the enemy. Discover a practical approach to break free from the mundane and find fulfillment in your work. The key lies in being able to recognise and align with opportunities, both big and small, to find yourself on the right path toward fulfillment.
Stuck at a Career Crossroad?
Feeling lost in your career? Ever wondered if you're on the right track, or if there's something more fulfilling out there? It's natural to have these questions - they're a sign you're ready to grow and explore new possibilities. Ditch the fear of wasting time and start asking yourself empowering questions: "Why am I having these doubts now?", "How can I make a shift without feeling like I'm going backwards?" This post will help you find the answers and uncover your unique purpose. Here are some tips to get you started!
You can create your dream career…
It often seems impossible to reimagine a new pathway for our career. And so we stay stuck in a job that no longer fits us; we continue to meet other’s expectations instead of our own; we stay in our safety zone because there’s no real viable way out. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Eyes on the Prize
Where you look is where you'll go, so you must be mindful of what you’re focussing on. Focus on unimportant things and you’ll do unimportant things. This is a crucial realization that all women must come to, before they can achieve a fulfilling, successful career.
Protect the Asset
Are you familiar with the phrase "prevention is better than the cure"?. If you have insurance for your home, car, health or income, have you also got an insurance policy for yourself? Afterall, you are your most valuable asset. Find out what you need in place to flourish and overcome the challenges that hinder you from being your best self.
The Power of We
Conventional career wisdom tells us that success comes from having control and making things happen by ourselves. But it does a disservice to us all - especially women - as this old idea overlooks the immense value of cooperation, collaboration, and reciprocity in realizing our ambitions. Find out what it means to leave behind the myth of the lone wolf and embrace the power of ‘we’ instead!
Being True to Yourself
Being your authentic self is not simply about being yourself and expecting others to accept you as you are. It’s so much deeper than that. It's about cultivating a deep self-awareness that enables you to be the best version of yourself. Find out more about what it takes to be true to yourself and achieving authentic success!
The Career Compass
Are you ready to leave behind a job that drains your energy, passion and potential? Are you eager to make a change but don't know where to start? It sounds easy to say, but can feel harder to do. But you do have the power to transform your career and find your way to success and happiness. All you need is a simple tool that can guide you through the most important career decisions you'll ever make. I call this tool the Career Compass.
Exploring the Future
From young women making their first career choices to established women considering a career change; whether you’re interested in a technology-focussed roles or one that needs the personal touch, there are so many opportunities in the near(ish) future that women have the chance to make a genuine positive impact in.
Boundaries during times of change
How comfortable are you with setting boundaries at work? Can you say no with confidence? Do you find yourself second guessing your boundaries? Are they easier to uphold more for some people than others? You’re not alone if you struggle with boundaries at times - most of us do. But there are some times more than others that you need to stick to your guns.
New Career Wisdom
It's all too easy to get caught up in comparisons with others careers and successes. But until you really investigate the success of those you admire, you just don't know what it really took to make it happen. This is especially true when it comes to the success of other women, because following the conventional career wisdom isn't what helped them scale those impressive heights.
Signs you need a change…now
Contrary to popular belief, the main reason you put off making a change isn’t fear. It’s actually because we don’t understand the early signals for change and just how important they are at stopping us from feeling that fear in the first place.
Career Advice Bingo
Women have a great history of forging rewarding and impactful careers that have made a difference to the world around us. But there’s just not enough of us who’ve achieved the level of success we’re capable of. The reason for this is simple…conventional career wisdom disadvantages women.
Conversations with yourself
Everyone needs a coach, but for a range of reasons, there are times when this is just not practical. When you need a coach but can’t access one, you don’t need to go without. Instead, turn to yourself for some DIY coaching.
Say bye-bye to burnout!
Feeling burned out? You're not alone. Burnout won't go away on its own - you need an exit strategy. Discover what you need to escape burnout when you find yourself in its grasp.
The secret weapon to achieving your goals
Whenever you have goals to achieve, it's easy to get sidetracked. But did you know there's a secret weapon for achieving your goals? Come find out how you can use this secret weapon for yourself.
Are your efforts going unrecognised?
Aiming to do all things well is a cornerstone of most professional's work ethic, but it's holding us back from delivering genuine value and being recognised, and rewarded, for our efforts.
Optimism vs Positivity.
Optimism is not a naive belief that things will work out for the best, but a confidence you can make it happen. Let’s explore how you can be both optimistic and realistic.
You are more than your job.
To be truly happy and successful at work people must understand, and be able to fulfill, their own purpose - independent of their workplace and their job. Let's explore how workplaces can help employees achieve both individual and organisational purpose, hand in hand.