Protect the Asset
Are you familiar with the phrase "prevention is better than the cure"?. If you have insurance for your home, car, health or income, have you also got an insurance policy for yourself? Afterall, you are your most valuable asset. Find out what you need in place to flourish and overcome the challenges that hinder you from being your best self.
Being True to Yourself
Being your authentic self is not simply about being yourself and expecting others to accept you as you are. It’s so much deeper than that. It's about cultivating a deep self-awareness that enables you to be the best version of yourself. Find out more about what it takes to be true to yourself and achieving authentic success!
New Career Wisdom
It's all too easy to get caught up in comparisons with others careers and successes. But until you really investigate the success of those you admire, you just don't know what it really took to make it happen. This is especially true when it comes to the success of other women, because following the conventional career wisdom isn't what helped them scale those impressive heights.
Career Advice Bingo
Women have a great history of forging rewarding and impactful careers that have made a difference to the world around us. But there’s just not enough of us who’ve achieved the level of success we’re capable of. The reason for this is simple…conventional career wisdom disadvantages women.
The secret weapon to achieving your goals
Whenever you have goals to achieve, it's easy to get sidetracked. But did you know there's a secret weapon for achieving your goals? Come find out how you can use this secret weapon for yourself.
You are more than your job.
To be truly happy and successful at work people must understand, and be able to fulfill, their own purpose - independent of their workplace and their job. Let's explore how workplaces can help employees achieve both individual and organisational purpose, hand in hand.