It's all too easy to get caught up in comparisons with others careers and successes. But until you really investigate the success of those you admire, you just don't know what it really took to make it happen. This is especially true when it comes to the success of other women, because following the conventional career wisdom isn't what helped them scale those impressive heights.

Conventional wisdom about successful careers (climb the ladder, earn the big bucks, get the power) is outdated…and even more so for women. In fact, the real truth about careers is both simple and powerful, and different to everything you’ve learned before. 

The real truth about careers is this:

A career is a collection of experiences where we expand our knowledge & skills in the service of making a positive impact for others and ourselves. 

An experience you can look back on and feel satisfied you’ve achieved things that genuinely matter.

I know this because I’ve spent a lot of time researching women who fulfill their ambitions. And in looking carefully at so many of them, I discovered the conventional career wisdom isn't what helped them soar. Instead, they followed a different path, because they intuitively understood the true principles for authentic success.

I believe that the more women who achieve careers that benefit both themselves and others, the more positive impact they have on the world and it becomes a better place - for everyone. Afterall, our individual actions multiply to have a collective effect. 

That’s why I want you to know the true principles for success that these successful women have intuitively known.

new career wisdom for women

These 5 principles reflect the truth about successful careers and replace the outdated conventional career advice with a new career wisdom, one that benefits women far better than anything from the past. 

Every woman deserves more than just a series of jobs. Every woman deserves a career she is proud to look back on. Every woman deserves a career that is both personally and financially rewarding. This includes you! 

So take the time where you can to review your career against the new career wisdom and take the action you need to get your career on the right track to genuine success. 

For more information on creating your own authentic and fulfilling career, you can get the DIY Guide here.

If you want more tips and information on how to explore your own authentic career, consider subscribing to the Pathfinder newsletter


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